3 Reasons Share Your Part’s End Use with Your CNC Machining Partner

Share Part End-Use

Are you comfortable sharing your part’s end use with your manufacturing partner? If so, you can expect a better experience than if you choose not to disclose that information. 

When we understand the purpose behind the parts we’re CNC machining for you, we’re more equipped to do the following: 

  • Provide a faster, more accurate quote. 

  • Produce the best quality parts at the most reasonable price for your specific goals.

  • Initiate a smooth manufacturing process with no need to pause production to ask you clarifying questions about your part’s requirements.

Simply leave a note in your next RFQ telling us about your part’s end use, and we’ll take it from there. 

Why Disclose Your Part’s End Use? 

We’ve successfully helped customers save time and money in three key areas just by learning what their parts were designed to do.

1. Save time and money on MATERIALS

Customers often specify certain materials based on incorrect assumptions when, in reality, an alternative material might be the better choice for their part.

For example, many customers request parts made from PEEK—not because they need a PEEK part, but because they’ve been told CNC machining PEEK is fast and requires few operations. While this can be true, it’s not always the case.

Certain part features are actually much more difficult—or impossible—to machine from plastic. Even if plastic machining is possible, you’ll pay significantly more simply due to the time we’ll spend getting the job done right.

However, if you’ve shared the part’s end use with us, we might suggest an alternative material, such as aluminum, that will perform just as well without the high cost or long lead time.

2. Save time and money on TOLERANCES

Over-engineered parts are another common concern. We frequently receive drawings that call out tight tolerances on every part feature. The cost to achieve all those critical tolerances can be alarming. Imagine paying $2,000 for a part that could have cost only $200 without the over-engineered tight tolerances!

While some parts absolutely require tight tolerances throughout, most do not. When we know your part’s end use, we can identify those unnecessarily tight tolerances early on and offer to loosen them without impacting your part’s functionality. 

3. Save time and money on ASSEMBLIES

There are two different assembly scenarios to consider:

In-house assemblies

If we’re CNC machining and assembling your product in our precision machine shop, we’re in the perfect position to assess how certain materials, features, and tolerances will impact the assembly as a whole. If we know the assembly’s final functionality, we can steer you away from over-engineered elements and other unnecessarily costly callouts. 

Customer assemblies

Some customers commission us to machine their components and leave the assembly to them. While this approach doesn’t provide us with the opportunity to ensure the proper fit of your assembly components, we still benefit from knowing details such as:

  • Are the components replacement parts?

  • Where will the parts be affixed?

  • Do the components need to be magnetic or non-magnetic?

In short, the more we know, the better. 

Add This Information to Your RFQ

First and foremost, remember to describe your part’s end use. This basic information is often all we need to know to offer you helpful cost-saving, time-saving, and quality-assuring advice.

Next, outline the specific material properties your part requires. Do you need medical-grade stainless? A minimum tensile strength? Are you looking for a certain level of material traceability? 

Lastly, tell us your project priorities. Are you primarily focused on getting your parts as quickly as possible? Is cost reduction your main goal? Or do you simply need your part built to your print’s exacting specifications, regardless of lead time or cost? 

Great Manufacturing Begins with Clear Communication

Here in our Pennsylvania machine shop, communication drives quality. We approach every precision machining job with your ultimate needs and goals top-of-mind, so you can count on our team to provide short lead times, reasonable prices, and quality manufacturing every time you work with us.

Use our secure quoting portal to start your next project with Area Tool & Manufacturing, Inc.—and don’t forget to tell us exactly what you need!


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